Faith Charities Forum
Reliance Bank exhibited at the Faith Charities Forum to raise awareness of the bank’s new brand. Reliance Bank bought hand woven bags from Others Trade for Hope to give to the Faith Charities Forum delegates.
In the mid 1990’s The Salvation Army was helping women in Bangladesh to learn a trade.
All producers are recruited through The Salvation Army’s local programs, including projects for economic development in villages or urban slum areas, work with women’s groups in both urban and rural settings, or specific projects related to rehabilitation of sex workers and victims of trafficking. All proceeds go back into developing more jobs for producers.
Our support is giving people with limited possibility’s opportunities in dignified work. Others Trade for Hope is all about giving a fair wage that is bringing hope for a better future, not just for one producer but for the whole family and the community. A fair wage pays for children’s school fees, necessary medications or possibilities to improve the living conditions.