Introduction to Chirag Mistry
I’ve just joined the Reliance Bank Commercial Banking Team and you may ask why I have joined this bank:
Reliance Bank can genuinely say that it is a social impact bank because it was formed as the bank for The Salvation Army. We are very proud of our shareholder The Salvation Army International who help people whose lives have been affected by emergencies, disasters, poverty and social inequality.
Reliance Bank has a rich history in serving charities, faith organisations, social enterprises and businesses for over 132 years.
Reliance Bank prioritise commercial lending to organisations delivering positive social impact in the UK. It really gets me energised to be able to make a real difference to our communities, families and individuals with Reliance Bank.
Being here at Reliance Bank has enabled me to see first-hand how organisations and more importantly passionate people are making a difference to lives across the country, it truly amazes me all the great things we can do for one another!
There is a variety of purposes we can support from property purchase, business expansion, refurbishment, refinance and many other reasons. The wide ranging sectors we love working with: we can support through our proposition:
1. Health and Social Care
2. Social Housing
3. Social Enterprises
4. Education
5. Faith Organisations; Churches, Religious Orders
6. Charities
7. Community, Arts, Heritage, Sports
8. SME sectors
Do you or anyone you know operate in any of these sectors where they make a difference big or small?
If so, what are your/their plans in the next 12 months? Can we help make a difference….
Contact Chirag Mistry – Relationship Director for Reliance Bank at or call 07425 869 224.