Reliance Bank announces the appointment of Jervis Rhodes as their new Chief Risk Officer
Jervis has many years banking experience nationally and internationally with corporate and retail roles covering structured finance, asset-based lending, real estate, leasing, trade finance. He has been a member of the Executive Committee of a number of UK and international Banks which will enable Jervis to lead on oversight and policy development so that the Bank can deliver on its vision to be a leading social impact Bank within the UK.
Paul Croucher – CEO for Reliance Bank said: “I am delighted that Jervis has joined us. As Chief Risk Officer, Jervis will lead a team who are entrusted to ensure the Bank follows sound practices and complies with our regulatory and governance requirements. Reliance Bank also operates within strict ethical boundaries, so Jervis and his team ensure that the activities of the Bank are managed, monitored and reported appropriately within the Bank. We are very fortunate to be able to welcome him to our executive management team and Board.”
Jervis Rhodes – newly appointed Chief Risk Officer for Reliance Bank said: “I am pleased to be part of the Reliance Bank team and support our wide range of business and charity customers as they deliver positive social impact in the UK. I look forward to working with the Bank’s Board to support our customers and our shareholder, since Reliance Bank provides a vital source of finance that supports the global work of The Salvation Army.”
Helping good people do great things with money
Reliance Bank has been at the forefront of socially responsible banking since 1890, when we were formed by William Booth the founder of The Salvation Army. Reliance Bank are proud of its shareholder, The Salvation Army International, who help people whose lives have been affected by emergencies, disasters, poverty, and social inequality.
The power to change lives for the better
Reliance Bank knows that money has the power to change lives for the better. In the right hands, it can be a force for good. That is why Reliance Bank supports business lending to organisations delivering positive social impact in the UK. Over the years we have worked with social impact businesses of all types. We have learnt from them to put compassionate customer service at the heart of what we do.
To find out more about our Business Loans visit: https://lnkd.in/epK6rqN
To discuss your borrowing requirements, please contact one of our Reliance Bank Ltd Relationship Directors at commercial@reliancebankltd.com or call 020 7398 5400.